1.Download the SFA files from the ICICI merchant area and
extract on the web server under ICICI folder.
2.Copy the ICICI JAR files from “SFA_Dependencies” folder to
the following folders
• JAR Files to copy: cryptix32.jar, jcert.jar, jnet.jar,
jsse.jar, servlet.jar, sfa.jar
• Copied jar files to
/usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/JavaBridge/WEB-INF/lib/ from
/var/www/ yourdomainname.com/httpdocs/ICICI/SFA_Dependencies
[run this stape after installation of
• Reset permissions to these files to tomcat:tomcat under
the lib folder
• Also copy the jar files to /usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib
• Change the owned and group of copied files as per the
existing folder owner (Optional and ensure having 777
permissions on the above folder).3. Download JavaBridge from
below URL
Install JavaBridge with the following steps:
• Deploy all file in apache server. Please extract jar file
from javabridge.war, after extracting war file search for
Javabridge.jar file which will be there WEBINF/lib.
• Please extract jar file from javabridge.war and run using below
• java -jar JavaBridge.jar
• After that one popup window will appear for port detail.
Please select port 8080 and click on ok button.
• If you are using CUI (character user interface) interface
then need to run mentioned command. Please run
mentioned command and let me know output.
• java -jar /usr/lib/php/modules/JavaBridge.jar
HTTP_LOCAL:8080 3 JavaBridge.log
Copy java folder which is there in Java Bridge\META-INF
under the TestPages folder on the server.
Kindly make the changes in testjava.php --------->
Note: J should be in uppercase in Java.inc
--> to check Java Bridge Installation.4. Edit php.ini files with below
java.hosts =
java.servlet = On,Off,User as per the prevelant scenario.
; Module Settings ;
java.classpath = /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/JavaBridge/WEB-
Note: - Latest JavaBridge 5.4.2 does not require you to set
the classpath in the php.ini file unlike the
earlier versions.
highlighted path is example path kindly set as per your system path.
5. Place below jar files in class path
a) cryptix32.jar
b) jcert.jar
c) jnet.jar
d) servlet.jar
e) jsse.jar
f) sfa.jar
If you are not very sure of this you could always put the
.jar files in $JAVA_HOME$/jre/lib/ext folder, which is class path by
• # env to check the environment variables.
• Once above jar file is set Restart Application server.
Note: - Above highlighted path is example path kindly set as
per your system path.
6. Extract the sfa.jar file in “SFA_Dependencies” and edit
the sfa.properties file with the following entries:
Stop Apache or Tomcat
and then copy the following key files to the /var/www/key directory:
• 0000XXXX.key
7. Update the TestSSL.php page change Merchant ID &
Response URL and use the updated file:
In SFAResponse.php and “PostLibPHP.php”
file on line 2 change
require_once(“java/Java.php”);’ to ‘ require_once(“java/Java.inc”);’
Change the key path as per your system path in SFAResponse.php
Execute TestSSL
http://domainname.com/ICICI/SFAClient/TestPages/TestSsl.php ---> will
redirect to ICICI Payseal Page
I want to run this on a windows machine , i have a php supported web host . what modification do i need to do.
ReplyDeletei am getting this----
ReplyDeleteFatal error: unknown error: please see back end log for details in C:\xampp\htdocs\daily_purchase_new\icici1\SFAClient\TestPages\java\Java.inc on line 869
local url--http://localhost/daily_purchase_new/icici1/SFAClient/TestPages/TestSsl.php